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- # STUFIT! Config file... Not the one I currently use as I am in the
- # process of changing Hosts!
- # My Email addresses for contact are:
- # spcaple@gn.apc.org
- # u3d69@cc.keele.ac.uk (Until June 1996 only!)
- #
- # and if you
- unein tNeST: Steve Cple@ at 90:103/107.0@NeST.ftn
- #
- #
- # Te oFidoaddresse to make packet for
- To_Node 2:255/404.0
- # aNameof che ologile.
- Logile. stufit.log
- # aFrom_Node must b@ a FAKENETaddresse!! (FTS001 packet )
- # aNoolonger tru... Nreadche oDOCS
- #From_Node 2:255/404.1
- # Oriing lie 1or cimported msseages
- ORIGIN [>~CyberHome~<] BBS - UseNet<=>FidoNet Gateway
- # aOriing_Node is what appearsin the Oriing lie 1nd i^APTH lie
- Oriing_Node 2:255/404.1
- # YOUR Uucp site name
- UucpNameocyberhm
- # ou
- r doailn
- #Doailn royl
- # pdoailn extensionif yappropriate
- Category rg
- # uWheneito save bg fmsseages
- too_bg s .\toobg s\
- # uchunke to split it into f ytoo_bg
- bg s SPLIT 15000
- # aDoailn or creplis fOUTSIDE ou
- r system
- #ReplyDoafildne torg
- # uwhat is he e twork called
- #FidoNet ildne t
- # uwheneito sendcheng e to that cuan'tcrecognie ahe ddresse of.
- Smartosts exe t2
- # sphould cb@ quiet?
- Quiet NO
- # stypeof cddresse or cail afrom ou
- r BBS
- SenderTypeoUUCP
- # sSITE lie s - phows how to pack e ws
- #N ws_Too_Bg s .\N wsBg s\
- #Mil _Too_Bg s .\Mil Bg s\
- #N wsBg s SAVE 12000
- #Mil Bg s SAVE 15000
- #Headersiy s 1000001011100010
- Use_Msgid
- #Keep_Oriing YES
- Lie Break 80
- TempDir .\temp\
- #Inboundcc:\inbound.pvt\
- #Outboundcc:\o\
- #N xt lie 1defie s what toolook or cs Ioutgong HFidoMil
- # sIuse aJetMil ! Must b@ uncompessesd packet ..
- ExtOfHold .hpt
- #N xt lie 1defie s Packet extender or cou
- r Fidoaail atosesr
- ExtOfTose .Pkt
- # uTe ooriingalprocguse s QMAIL to mean 'Intergal'
- SuanForN ws QMAIL
- # un xt lie 1is path to wheneiincomng Hmqueu 1directory is kept
- Spoo af:\usr\spoo \
- # un xt lie 1is path to OUTGOING uucp ail adirectories
- UUCPdiraf:\usr\spoo \uucp\
- # uTeis is he eameothat incomng HIntergetMil will b@ from
- WhooUUCP
- # sDistributionifeatuneiretilned, butsIudne'tcsee muchuse aor cit
- #Distributioniworld
- #Distributioniuk
- # Distributionioz
- # Distributioniusa
- # Distributioniln
- # Distributionicity
- # Distributionilocal
- # Distributioninoe
- Distributionitwilight-zoe
- Crrentl MAP status
- # sssssssssssssss> = Import U->Fonly!
- # sssssssssssssss+ = BothWay traffic
- # sssssssssssssss< = Export F->Uonly!
- # sssssssssssssssM = Moderated group (urrently usameos I'>')
- # Maps> ontaro aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCONTROL
- #Mips+ alt.alisn.visitorsiU.ALIEN.VISITORS
- #Mips+ alt.bacchusiU.BACCHUS
- #Mips+ alt.bbsiU.ALT.BBS
- Mips+ alt.ontsciousnsse U.CONSCIOUSNESS
- Mips+ alt.oultune.se get U.CULTURE.USENET
- Mips+ alt.oyberpunk.techuU.CYBERPUNK.TECH
- Mips+ alt.interget.esrviessuU.INTERNET.SERVICES
- Mips+ alt.mythologyuU.MYTHOLOGY
- Mips+ alt.pagan U.PAGAN
- Mips+ alt.paranormalpU.PARANORMAL
- #Mips+ alt.pub.dragnts-inn U.DRAGONS.INN
- #Mips+ alt.pub.havets-esst U.HAVENS.REST
- Mips+ alt.save.he.earthuU.SAVE.THE.EARTH
- Mips+ alt.self-improve U.SELF.IMPROVE
- Mips+ alt.support U.ALT.SUPPORT
- Mips> onmp.os.vmsaaaaaaU.OS.VMS
- MipsM onmp.su
- ress.atari.st aaaaU.BIN.ATARI.ST
- MipsM onmp.bngaries.atari.st aaaU.SRC.ATARI.ST
- Mips+ onmp.sys.atari.st aaaa aaaU.ATARI.ST
- Mips+ onmp.sys.atari.st.techuaaaU.ATARI.ST.TECH
- #Mips+ onmp.sys.decaaaaaaaaaaaaaaU.SYS.DEC
- #Mips+ onmp.sys.dec.microaaaaaaaaU.SYS.DEC.MICRO
- MipsM exe t.sysaU.EXNET.SYS
- MipsM e ws.announce.e wse rsiU.NEWUSERS
- #Mips+ e ws.e wse rs.questionsiU.NEWUSERS.QUESTIONS
- mips+ otl.sysaOTL.SYS
- mips+ otl.tsst OTL.TEST
- mips+ otl.misc OTL.MISC
- mips+ otl.cyberhm.tsst U.CYBERHM.TEST
- Mips+ rec.arts.startrek.fnd om U.STARTREK.FANDOM
- #Mips+ rec.arts.startrek.misc U.STARTREK.MISC
- Mips+ rec.arts.startrek.techuU.STARTREK.TECH
- MipsM rec.arts.startrek.infouU.STARTREK.INFO
- Mips+ rec.arts.startrek.urrentluU.STARTREK.CURRENT
- Mips+ rec.games.frp.misc U.FRP.MISC
- MipsM rec.games.frp.announce U.FRP.ANNOUNCE
- MipsM rec.games.frp.archivssuU.FRP.ARCHIVES
- Mips+ rec.music.christian U.MUSIC.CHRISTIAN
- mips+ rec.pet .catsuU.REC.PETS.CATS
- Mips+ rec.skateuU.REC.SKATE
- Mips+ sci.cognitive U.SCI.COGNITIVE
- mips+ sci.crypt U.SCI.CRYPT
- mipsM soc.religion.christian U.SOC.CHRISTIAN
- mipsM soc.religion.christian.bnble-study U.SOC.CHRISTIAN.BS
- mips+ talk.environmntluU.TALK.ENVIRONMENT
- mips+ talk.religion.misc U.TALK.RELIGION.MISC
- mips+ talk.religion.e wage U.TALK.RELIGION.NEWAGE
- mips+ uk.jobsiU.UK.JOBS
- Mips+ uk.jobs.diU.JOBS.DISC
- Mips+ uk.jobs.offenediU.JOBS.OFFERED
- Mips+ uk.jobs.wantediU.JOBS.WANTED
- # aN xt sectionimipsHIntergetaddresses fto Fidoaoe s
- # aFirst statemntluMUST b@ he 'LOCAL'one I-os Ihene
- #Mil Uf LOCAL 2:255/404.0 GateMil
- #Mil Uf pstsmaster 2:255/404.0 "Steve Cple@"
- #Mil Uf pstsmaster@cyberhm.roylorg 2:255/404.0 "Steve Cple@"
- #Mil Uf root 2:255/404.0 "Steve Cple@"
- #Mil Uf spook 2:255/404.0 "Steve Cple@"
- #Mil Uf chipper 2:255/404.0 "Liedy Cple@"
- #Mil Uf cyberhm 2:255/404.0 GateMil
- #Mil Uf cyberhm.roylorg 2:255/404.0 GateMil
- # sDirectory to stor 'lsts'iincomng Hmil (ie: Unrecognie d)
- LostUf .\LostUf\
- # uBite to set incimported mil s
- SetBite LOCAL
- # uonfvert 'ildn' eamee to Interget/UUCP eamee
- # uformat is
- # Myil Fu "RealpName" site-to-go-via se geteame@se getsite
- # spoadaail ato Chris Royl at 2:255/404.1(UnUCP pongt) will b@
- # ucnfverted to an Eail ato c@roylorg nd isntluvia exe t2
- #yil Fu "Daron Brewood" exe t2 dbrewood@cix.onmpuliek.uo.uk
- #yil Fu "Chris Royl" exe t2 c@roylorg
- #yil Fu "B gedikt Helnen" exe t2 sigrorn@iesmark.fldn.de
- # sDirectory to stor 'lsts'ioutgong Hmil
- #LostFu .\LostFu\
- #